Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Inspired by Project Life

Lately I have been very inspired by a scrapbooking method called "Project Life".  Basically it is chronicling your days in a binder with page protectors and little pockets.  You add in your daily photos and little notes about them, bits of ephemera like receipts, forms, postcards, anything really.  I was inspired because while I like scrapbooking, it is hard to do it very quick, for me, and I feel like I am always behind.  I really want Mia to have a picture of what it was like for her growing up too.  I want her to be able to see and read about what it was like.  I can't remember most of my childhood, so the few photos I have seen have been so lovely to see (mental note to ask parents to find more! :) 

Enter Project Life.  I'm not going to take photos every single day but I am going to photograph and journal about the little things that make the days special.  The little things that can get lost in the shuffle of big events and holidays.  The Project Life kit is sold out for the year so I made my own album with a vintage red binder(found at a rummage sale for $1!) and some page protectors in different sizes, mostly nine pocket pages that are about the size of a baseball card, 3.5x2.5" and then some letter size ones too (8.5x11") for adding in regular scrapbook layouts, schoolwork, and pictures that Mia makes me. 

I made a template for the small photo size in my printing program, then I just print them out and stick them in, easy peasy.  The journaling cards are either plain white cardstock cut to fit and jazzed up with stickers, etc or they are from Elle's Studio.  Elle's Studio is a super cute company, that started on Etsy, that makes little paper embellishments and journaling cards.  The "Handmade Layers" collection is my favorite, check it out.  Some of them are perfectly sized at 3.5x2.5" all ready to fit in my pockets!  I am just sticking in photos that I take and ones that I find, that are older, as I come across them and then writing about them.  It's really fun to do.  Here are some of my pages:

Well S just put out some chips and guacamole so I better go.  What do you do with your photos, now I am curious about what others do!?


Scott said...

The albums look great! Maybe you'll get the one you want from Santa???

Natalie said...

ooooh, so fun, I'd love to see your album in person!

Valerie said...

I envy anyone willing to take on this project - are you still working on it? I'm a big fan of Elle's too ;)