Monday, July 25, 2011

Let's look in my art journal

I have been in sort of a creative funk lately.  I don't know why, I was on a roll and then bam, nothing.  No ideas, and when I do have an idea, it's hard to get motivated and excited about it.  Very strange.  I read on Rebecca Sowwer's blog that what helps her is looking over her past work, concentrating on her accomplishments and I guess it helps.  She does these neat picture mosaics,showcasing her work on her blog, very cool.  I don't know how to do that so I thought I would just post some pictures of past entries in my art journal.  Here we go!

 Mixed media, watercolor

 Practicing a new font with my favorite pen, Pigma Micron from Sakura

 Playing around with my Gel pens, also Mia's bday list from June.

 Gel pens, watercolor, micron, and watercolor pencils.

Gel pens, watercolor, micron, and watercolor pencils.

 Micron pen and gel pens, not finished.

 Watercolor and Distress ink, Micron pen


Scott said...

Everything looks great! You are NEVER in a funk!

Natalie said...

I greatly enjoyed viewing your art ... so bright and cheering with wonderful graceful lines and details. Thanks for sharing it ... you are an inspiration as is your blog!

Jamie Isaak said...

Thank you for the lovely comments, thank you so much. :)